New Tools and New Vibes
November 15, 2022
Today we're very excited to roll out a new redesign for a favorite project, TASN - the Kansas Technical Assistance System Network. TASN is a wide network of professionals in the special education field - comprising dozens of projects that help educators and families apply real evidence-based practices in their special ed work.
We've been working with the team at TASN for a long time, but haven't had a chance to freshen up their visuals for several years. The initial design was done back around 2014, and hasn't been modified much since. It's a big site, too: there are thousands of events, dozens of different organizations, tens of thousands of resources - and a lot of features that Kansas educators need for their professional development work.
Working with the TASN team, we developed a new visual language that takes a brighter, friendlier approach - while still providing all the impressive technical features. We're working on a full case study for this, but we wanted to show off some of the exciting design work here in the meantime!
While still working with the established TASN brand colors, we built out a brighter, friendlier visual language. We're excited to share more about this process - you can read more on our in-depth case study - coming soon!