Week 926
Matt Kirkland
It's Week 926! What happened?
Let's see. This week we:
- Added a very helpful shipping feature for our ecom projects - that will help them charge the right amount of shipping with much less hassle
- Talked with a client about a fun new tool that might get to use facial recognition
- Did some patchwork on Neumz where one of Meta's API is changing
- The lucky Lawrence team got to meet Ashley's baby
- Planned out the game-like structure for the new secret project (which really needs a codename by now)
- Continued the handover help on the COLA projects
- Begun some production configuration on the final environment for Codename Robert
- Worked on the big quiz structure for Knock
- Continued planning the new database hosting service we're going to build
- Started building out a new report for the Institute
- Finessed a new survey in our school district surveys platform
And honestly? a few dozen other things, too. These were just the ones that took the biggest chunks of time. We've got a lot of irons in a lot of fires this week.