
We're Brand New Box.
We make digital products for the web.

You didn't set out to manage software.

But we did. We're a digital product studio: we work with clients like you to build new tech solutions. You've got unique business problems, and we can solve them.

Need a big, powerful platform? Need a small, sharp tool?

When our clients can't find an off-the-shelf tool that solves their problem, they call us. Odds are good we can help you, too.


The proof is in the pudding. Here's a look at recent work, or you can see even more examples here .

My Virtual Community Resource Map

A new mapping platform to help young people navigate the real world.

Tech for Technical Assistance.

Tools and Tech to support special education in Kansas.

Web and native solutions for gregorian chant.

A 15th Century music manual for the 21st.

Need to see more? There's more.